Page 9 - 2020年產銷班專刊
P. 9

ৃʷ၍ଣfପቖफኹϞ˜TFish ̨ᆓ௡ණ™ۜ೐dШ຾ᐄۜධԨʔڻࠢ׵  Fruit Production and Marketing Group No. 9,
 І࢕ପቖफٙဝ஬dீཀڡ༵௴ܔٙద᜗̻ၽᓒ࢝Бቖஷ༩dࠅމၽᝄဝ  Meinong, Kaohsiung
                Meinong produces the best papayas. The papayas cultivated by the
             group have a particular aroma, and they enjoy a TAP certification rate

 Aquaculture Production and Marketing Group No. 9,   of 90%. By adjusting the harvest period, the group increase fruit output
 Yongan, Kaohsiung  and value. The group adopt joint production and sales strategies very
             successfully. Their products have become the leading indicator of papaya
 The aquaculture industry has always been regarded as a traditional   quality in the Taipei wholesale market.

 industry, but the participation of the younger generation has rejuvenated
 it. The group is led by experienced seniors who pass on the breeding
 technology and legacy to the younger generation. And the younger ones
 carry out information management of breeding technology and set up   花蓮縣玉里鎮雜糧產銷班第2班

 SOP. The group created the "TFish" brand, and includes more items
 that are not limited to the group’s fishery products. Through the media
 platform created by the younger generation, the group is able to expand   ڀᇳ͗Ԣމၽᝄⱒ௥௰ɽପήdணϞⱒ௥ପቖ۰Ъණྠପਜdவࡈ˜ⱒ
 the marketing channels and continues to help strengthen Taiwan's fishery   ௥ၳໝ™ٙߠܝપ˓݊ڀᇳጤ͗Ԣᕄᕏᔋପቖफୋ 2 फd˼ࡁᚤᏐִ݁ᕏ

 product market.  ᔋᔷЪeᇈЪ̬፯ɧ݁ഄd፯኿ί͗Ԣவ෯૶ଋೌϮݑٙɺήɪ၇ಔⱒ௥f

             Grains Production and Marketing Group No. 2, Yuli,

 ପቖफୋ 9 फٙ˝͘࠰ंᅝᄀd˲ପቖᄵዝ᜕ᗇ༺ 90%dପቖߏ፽૶ูe  Yuli Township in Hualien is the largest buckwheat producing area in
 ீ׼d࠮τɓҪ໅fԨ༶͜ପಂሜືҦஔdᖢ֛Զ஬dԨၪܵۜሯѩɓٙ  Taiwan and there is a buckwheat contract farming region. The group is
 ۃ౤ɨdீཀ΍፯΍ࠇe΍Νۜ೐ഃପቖഄଫdϓމ༵̏˝͘৷ۜሯܸ  the founder of this "buckwheat settlement". The group follows government

 ᅺପۜdफࡰрɢϓ؈Ϟͦ΍ທf  policies of crop and rice rotation and chooses to grow buckwheat on
             this clean and pollution-free land in Yuli. The group accurately grasps
             various production and marketing information, uses joint production and

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