Page 10 - 2020年產銷班專刊
P. 10

marketing to reduce costs.  Through the selection mechanism, the high-                    臺東縣臺東市果樹產銷班第29班

                               quality grains are plump, and the buckwheat fields form a rare beauty in
                               the East Rift Valley.
                                                                                                                             ຾ᐄࠦጐߒ 39 ʮ௠dʊڋՈପุ஝ᅼٙၽ؇ጤၽ؇̹؈ዓପቖफୋ

                                                                                                                         29 फdՉ˴ࠅପۜމ࠰଩̙ɹٙɽͦᙑࠒdϓࡰଡ଼ᔌʃϾߕd˸ڡѯϋ༵
                                                                                                                         ʾމ˴ɢd55 ๋˸ɨ̕Όफ 85%d˕ᅟৎᙑࠒପุٙ͊Ըfफࡰጐ฽ҳɝ

                               ԢඊϞዚϷପቖफୋ 16 फ᜗ତԢʆၚग़d˸ɧ͛΍Ԯމࣨːᄆ࠽d਺ܵમ                                                       Fruit Production and Marketing Group No. 29,
                               ͜Ϟዚࣴ੃˙όdၾִ݁ఊЗΥЪ΢ධ͛࿒ڭᚐࠇ೥fପቖफ፬ଣ 7 ֣ᇅ                                                        Taitung, Taitung

                               ɛᆓಪɝబԢd௴ி̮ήɛႩᗆబԢٙ۰ዚf                                                                         With an area of   about 39 hectares, the group in Taitung City, Taitung
                                                                                                                         County, has begun to take shape. Its main product is the sweet and
                                                                                                                         delicious sugar apple. The group is small and mainly consists of young
                               Organic Rice Production and Marketing Group No. 16,                                       and middle-aged farmers. 85% of the group members are under 55 years

                               Fuli, Hualien                                                                             of age and they are the future of the industry. The group members are
                                                                                                                         actively involved in the TAP certification system, and they are the constant
                                  Organic rice has already made a name in the market as it is idealistic                 winners in the evaluation of high-quality orchards in Taitung County. They
                               for environmental sustainability and co-prosperity. The group embodies                    firmly believe that good quality control helps build the trust of consumers

                               the spirit of community, sticks to organic farming and works with                         and make sugar apples popular.
                               government organizations on various ecological protection plans. The
                               group organized the 7th Fuli Harvest Music Festival, which conveyed the
                               beautiful rural atmosphere. The festival has become an annual music

                               event in the eastern Taiwan, attracting a large number of non-locals to
                               Fuli and introducing Fuli to these people.

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