Page 7 - 2020年產銷班專刊
P. 7

consumer experience, they classify mushrooms, pack and brand them   雲林縣西螺鎮蔬菜產銷班第117班

 according to sizes and colors. The TAP (Traceable Agriculture Products)
 cerfitication system and Carrefour CQL verification were also imported
 when supplying large-scale stores such as Costco, Carrefour, and   ᖢ਄ٙᇴൄԶᏐ݊ᔋ࠮τΌٙɓɽሙᕚdථ؍ጤГᑮᕄᇴൄପቖफୋ
 PXmart. The group has established a good reputation in the market.  117 फމঐڭᗇପඎձۜሯdண௪ၾ༟ҿમ΍͜ၾ΍ᒅdପۜ΍፯΍ቖԨ



             Vegetable Production and Marketing Group No. 117,
 ૶ݹၠ϶ഉ݊΁߮ࢨԫdމᄣආ͛ପࣖଟdیҳጤණණᕄᇴൄପቖफ  Xiluo, Yunlin

 ୋ 2 फၾᅀਠ΍Νක೯ၠ϶ഉІਗ૶ݹዚdމ࠯ࡈኬɝਖ਼͜૶ݹዚٙପቖ
 फd͵ৣΥиᗡ݁ഄdSOP ݴ೻મܝІਗʷ૶ݹܝиᔛཫиdԴପۜۜሯ  Stable supply is a must for vegetable production. The group ensures
 ੽ପήՑ᎛ࣲڭܵɓߧf̤޼೯व৿ഉ͎dৣΥήᆠᐑྤַڗમϗಂdΌ  stable output and quality by jointly purchasing the required equipment
 ϋޫϞପඎdᜫ਷ɛᎇࣛঐΦՑɪλၠ϶ഉf  and materials and sharing their use. They also sell their products
             together and send them for regular inspection. They also obtained TAP

             (Traceable Agricultural Products) cerfitication to enhance consumer
 Vegetable Production and Marketing Group No. 2,   recognition. They use digital software in both production and financial
 Jiji, Nantou  management. All such management skills ensure the supply of high-
             quality vegetables.

 Cleaning green bamboo shoots is an exhausting process. In order
 to improve productivity and efficiency, the group cooperated with a
 manufacturer in developing an automatic cleaning machine, thus
 becomes the first such group to indroduce such a specialized machine.   高雄市永安區水產養殖產銷班第9班

 In order to ensure good quality, automatic cleaning is followed by cold
 storage. In addition, they developed a technique of extending the harvest
 season throught the year, making bamboo shoots available all year   ቮಟุΣ஗ൖމෂ୕ପุdШϞəڡ༵̋ɝdϼପุɰঐِ̈อڀ
 round.      ᅵl৷ඪ̹͑τਜ˥ପቮಟପቖफୋ 9 फ͟ቮಟ຾᜕ᔮబٙۃቁ੭ჯڡ

             ༵dҪቮಟҦஔձ౽ᅆෂוഗϋჀɓ˾dϾڡ༵ਗ਼ቮಟҦஔ SOP ආБ༟

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