Page 4 - 106年產銷班專刊
P. 4


            106 年全國十大績優農業產銷班事蹟摘要

            桃園市大溪區蔬菜產銷班第10班 — 智慧經營,生產有機蔬果為職志



            APMG No. 10 of Vegetables, Daxi Township (Taoyuan City) — Bringing smart
            management to the lifelong endeavor in fresh produce production

              Smart management has enabled its most members to pass the organic certification. Aside

            from producing items like leafy vegetables, melons, fruits, and vegetable seedlings (sprouts),
            they also supply organic chicken, organic egg, and organic paddy to a wide host of marketing
            channels, like the School Lunch in Taoyuan and New Taipei City or specialized organic
            stores like Uni-president Organic or Cotton Field Organic. They’ve also devoted a lot to
            Food Education, where the ideal of organic and “Local Production, Local Consumption” is
            promoted. Through participating in local farmers’ fairs, the APMG No. 10 has made strides in
            spreading the organic idea, enabling a greater conscious of the land in local residents.

            新竹縣新埔鎮果樹產銷班第21班 — 產地直銷,關照消費者的需求


                         Xinpu Township (Hsinchu City) APMG No. 21 of Fruit Trees —
                             Directly from the origin, with consumers at heart

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